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What Percentage of Work Zone Related Accidents Involve Large Trucks

photo of a work zoneIt is widely known that large trucks, such as semi-truck trailers, pose a unique threat to other passenger cars and their occupants in crashes, mostly due to them weighing 20-30 times more than smaller vehicles.1

However, most don't know that about 30 percent of all work zone crashes involve large trucks.2 Between 2009 and 2014, the Federal Highway Administration reported that over "1,000 fatalities and over 18,000 injuries" occurred.2

Because these types of crashes are so serious, it is important to learn more what factors increase their likelihood of happening.

Here are 3 facts you should know about work-zone large truck crashes today:

1. Large trucks have less room for error in work zones

photo of large truck Often in work zones, traffic is funneled into one lane, and the speed limit is reduced. Depending on how fast they are traveling, some drivers will have to dramatically reduce the speed of their vehicle in a short distance.

For large trucks, this task is especially difficult because they require more distance to slow down due to their weight. In fact, the "stopping distance required for a large truck traveling at 55 mph is almost 50 percent greater than that needed for a car."2 If a truck doesn't slow down in time, they could rear-end another vehicle when approaching a work zone.

A large truck's "no-zones" also make things difficult when driving through work zones. No-zones are dangerous areas around the side, front, and back of the truck "where the driver cannot see, even with the best mirrors."2 Thus, it's important that large trucks allow plenty of time and space to merge lanes when approaching a work zone.

2. 68% of fatal work-zone truck crashes happen in construction zones

construction workersBetween 2013 and 2015, about 68 percent of all work-zone crashes involving large trucks occurred in construction zones.

Often busy and chaotic, construction zones are the most common type of work zone. Sometimes, traffic is reduced to one-lane. Other times, traffic controllers direct vehicles through the work zone.

Construction equipment and workers are on the site as well. If a large truck is traveling too fast and fails to stop in time, it could potentially hit other vehicles, workers, and/or equipment.

3. These crashes are most likely to occur in the daytime and on a weekday

photo of car on highway during day

According to the Federal Highway Administration, "65 percent of fatal work zone crashes involving large trucks occur during the day."2 Moreover, "six times as many work zone crashes involving large trucks occur on Monday through Friday (the weekdays) compared to Saturday and Sunday (the weekend)."2

Seriously Injured in a Truck Accident? We Can Help

If you or someone you love was seriously injured in a truck accident, our attorneys at Shannon Law Group, P.C., are ready to help you navigate your legal options. First, fill out our online contact form.

You can also call us at (312) 578-9501 or toll-free at (886) 881-9980. One of our team members will be in touch with you soon. A free, no-obligation consultation is available as well.


    3. Crashes Table 25. Fatal Crashes by Work Zone, 2013-2015

What Percentage of Work Zone Related Accidents Involve Large Trucks
